Jumpz Gymnastics club is a family run friendly club for all abilities of boys and girls from 4+ years. Our coaches have over 25 years combined experience at both competition and recreational level. We believe that all children can achieve and progress in the wonderful sport of Gymnastics. We have updated our Award programme to try and make this easier for the children to gain certificates as we have found that going through any award system is quite slow paced for any ability of child so we plan our sessions to include at least 2 of the skills of each apparatus etc week and we then tick these off each gymnasts chart as we go. We also have once a month free choice stations where children can go and get their personal chart and try and get more ticks on skills that they need. We have several events held throughout the year but our main end of year event is our Presentation awards event held on the Last Weekend before schools break up for Summer. This event is a celebration of each and every child so that they can showcase their talents in both a skills routine and a choreographed music routine. We also introduced a Finale piece last year to include all gymnasts and this was a huge success and a lovely way to finish the event. We also use this event to award various certificates to gymnasts from all levels of our club and this culminates in a 'Gymnast of the year' Trophy - one for both the recreational and development section. These awards are voted for by all coaches who attend each session and the children with the most votes for a particular award will be given their certificate/trophy at the event.
We have the following programmes in place:
Recreational - suitable for all levels of gymnasts who just want to have fun without any committments
Development - a tiered development programme for gymnasts who are nominated by our coaches who feel they would benefit and progress within this programme. This programme requires all gymnasts to do extra strength and conditioning training at home and as a gymnast moves up the levels they are required to attend more training hours per week.
Recreational Competition Programme - available to all Jumpz Gymnasts and offers local, club and National Competition opportunities
Development Competition Programme - this programme is offered to all development gymnasts and offers local, Club, National and International competitive opportunities. We are proud that 100% of our development competitive gymnasts qualified for the IAIGC World Championships this year in Nashville, USA. We first affiliated to the USAIGC organisation in 2018 and proudly had 3 gymnasts qualify for the finals in floor and vault coming 5th and 6th and one of these gymnasts coming first, winning the gold medal making her the IAIGC World Champion on floor 2018. Our 2019 Championship attendees also did amazingly well and made us so proud. Our Gymnasts made 7 finals this year so received a recognised placement medal for their achievements. We had 2 Bronze medal winners on vault this year with one of those placements score was the 2nd highest score on vault but due to there being 2 1st placements this meant that the silver placement was missed out. We also made our first bars final this year and considering we don't have a set of bars to train on this is a phenomenal achievement for us. Currently there are 10 international countries competing at the IAIGC world Championships each year.
Performance Programme - Our Performance squad 'Jumpz Jemz' is available to those gymnasts who train on at least one other day/session and can commit to weekly training and events held throughout the year. We are extremely lucky to be invited to perform at Limelight Theatre's School annual production at The Royal and Derngate Theatre each year and this is an experience not to be missed!
We are affiliated to IGA through which we have our liability insurance, DBS certificates and child protection policy.
Our sessions and awards are engineered with Long Term Athletic Development in mind.
Payment Information:
Our session prices are currently set at £7 per hour pay as you go for up to a month and thereafter we only accept monthly payments based on a pro rate system - so you pay each month ongoing even when we are closed for holidays. We have the same holidays as our local schools to keep it easier for our families.
Our Coaches: All our coaches are dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate about the sport of Gymnastics and all our sessions are run by our most highly qualified level 4 coaches to ensure that every child has access to the very best coaching. Our Coaches also volunteer a lot of their time to help our gymnasts including attending competitions at no cost, coming in early to set up and staying later to discuss a handover of each session and gymnasts progress which then helps us plan our future sessions and development. We are eternally grateful to all our coaches! Thank you!

Head Coach - level 4: Carol has been coaching since she was 15yrs old firstly in netball and then moved into gymnastics coaching for more than 25 years. She started coaching locally at recreational and general competition level and was funded by NCAAC to gain her level 1 artistic gymnastics qualification. She then moved into recreational gymnastics, coaching in a stage school, local clubs and primary schools both voluntarily and professionally while funding her own developement to gain level 2,3 and 4 coaching awards in General Gymnastics. She continues to volunteer and work for local clubs and schools in both administration and coaching capacities. She is a qualified First Aider, has attended the safeguarding & protecting children course through Sports Coach UK and is the Jumpz-Gymnastics Welfare Officer. She is passionate about providing fun sessions, opportunities and experiences to all young people at all levels and abilities. 'Every child matters' is our aim at all our sessions.
Club Coach-level 4: Cheryl is 28 years old and personally funded and achieved her level 1, level 2 and level 3 coaching awards when she was 17 & 18 years old making her one of the youngest level 3 coaches in the UK. She has been involved in gymnastics since the age of 7 and has competed in General Gymnastics competitions winning many medals including Gold. She has attained a Degree in Mathematics. She has completed her Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards and is also a Nationally recognized Climbing Instructor so she brings a wealth of experience to Jumpz gymnastics club. She is also a qualified First Aider. Cheryl is now a teacher within a local primary school. Cheryl's strength always impresses our young gymnasts!
High Performance Coach - Level 4 - Head Coach of our Competitive Programme: Donna has been involved in gymnastics since the age of 5. She also entered local General Gymnastics Competitions before moving into display acrobatic gymnastics and Cheerleading where she competed at University level. She has been coaching for over 10 years and has been involved in coaching at various venues locally. The club has funded her level 1,2,3 and 4 coaching courses which will be invaluable to us. She is also our welfare officer having attended the safeguarding course in 2016. Donna's flexibility is always a 'WOW' factor with our gymnasts. Donna is also a qualified first Aider. Donna is our Cheerleading head coach and has a wealth of experience from her Cheerleading days at Loughborough University. Donna has worked in various roles in local schools before taking maternity leave. She is now back coaching at Jumpz with a newly accredited qualification in
Coach - Level 2: Toni started coaching with us in 2016 in a voluntary capacity and we paid for her level 1 coaching course in the same year. She now coaches at our competition training sessions as well as some of our recreational sessions. Toni is also one of our parent welfare officers and qualified first Aider.
Coach Level 2: Naomi Ledington started gymnastics later than most as she was already a teenager when she started to come along once a week. She has improved so much and is now competing and performing for Jumpz. She shows a great deal of initiatve and is a natural coach and supporter of skills. She loves a challenge and brings a real enthusiasm to the club. Naomi is currently at Loughborough University but always visits us when she is comes back to Northampton and is always eager to coach at every session she can!
Coach Level 1: Eida Muhaxheri started as a gymnast and was the very first'Jumpz Gymnast of the year'in 2012. She has been with us since day 1. She brings a great deal of experience for such a young coach and is an asset to the club. As soon as she was 14 years old we paid for her level 1 qualification as she has been volunteering for us since she was 11 years old and would like to have her own club one day.
Coach Level 1: Olivia Anghel has been with us from day 1 and started helping to coach as soon as she was 10yrs old. Olivia has competed at a high level and won many medals in her time. She also participated in our performance squad up until last year when her studies have had to take priority. All our children love Olivia and she is an amazing role model. Olivia is now training towards her level 2 coahcing award.
Coach Level 1: Caitlin has been with for many years and trained her way up to become an amazing gymnast in our competitive, development and performance squads. All the children love Caitlin and like to give her lots of cuddles! She is a qualified level 1 coach and is training towards her level 2 already!
Coach Level 1: Nicole has just began coaching but has already passed her level 1 award and is also in our performance and competitive squads.
Coach Level 1: Jodie has been with us for many years and has recently passed her level 1 coaching award.
Junior Coaches: we also have gymnasts who are learning to coach and are always accompanied by a qualified coach. These gymnasts have shown an eagerness to help other gymnasts and volunteer their time for our events that we hold throughout the year. They are a real asset to our club and once they are 14 years old we will fund their level 1 coaching courses.
We are always looking for volunteers and qualified coaches who can help our club grow. From our own experience of having to fund our own development we would like to be able to offer funding to our volunteers to gain coaching qualifications. We do require committment from both our volunteers and coaches in order to remain consistent in our training for our gymnasts. If you are interested in helping in any way please contact Carol on 07941849728.